Best Betrayal..!


You being the best in love,

Made it to the top at betrayal too…

Every tear you made me shed,

Nowhere was any less than the smiles you gave me…


You were the best,

Be it the love showcase,


The careless betrayal…

I found you flawless…


Like water flowing through river,

Even with steep stones on way…

I loved you,

Even with so many reasons to not fall for you…


Becoming the apple of my eye,

You ended up like the cribbing hurting dirt in the eye…

I often shed those tears,

With a mug full of tea in hand,


Countless promises in mind and heart,

None of which you never fulfilled…


Stupid of my heart,

And my mind too…

I fell for somebody,

Who couldn’t even stand for his words…

I bow in front of you,

For you were the best,

Not just in love,

But at betrayal too…


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